Kim Bisschop SSA Chair


Board Member Trail Evaluator


Kim Bisschop grew up on a farm near Lintlaw, SK. While in school he started working for Viptor Welding & Machine shop and in June 1996 he obtained his journeyman in welding. Kim is a full time parts tech for pattison ag for 7 years now, and part time at Edfield Motors in Foam Lake. In what spare time he has he started a business in September 2002 working out of his garage fixing quads and sleds, called BISSHY'S REPAIR. He usually has a project on the go, anything from chopping motorcycles, building monster trucks, racing lawnmowers, stock cars and Rat Rods during the summer months, but in winter time you will find his spare time goes towards Sledding.

Kim started snowmobiling in the 80's on a JD 800, but now rides newer Polaris sleds .

Kim has also been a big part of the Kelvington Trailblazers for the past 20 years. He started with driving the Snow Cat, to repairs, to building the last two drags, and is now the club’s Vice President and has also been a huge part of building the trailblazers shop to house there groomers and sleds .

Kim has been with the SSA for over a decade and has become the go to guy with grooming equipment. He is the chairman of the board.

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