Curtis Parfitt Zone 2 Rep


Board Member Trail Evaluator


My name is Curtis Parfitt, born and raised in Melfort SK.

I'm 40 years old and have been involved with the sledding industry my entire life. Worked with my father who owns and operates Mel-City Sales Ltd. in Melfort where I was a recreational mechanic and parts man
for 28 years. Now working at Thomas Motors in Melfort since late 2022 as Rec service manager. 

I've been involved with recreational products especially sledding and snowmobiles from a very young age. Started out at the age of 4 on a Yamaha SnoScoot 80, among a number of other sleds and brands over the years, and haven't looked back since.

I have been an active member of our local snowmobile club, Melfort & District Trail Riders, for the past 23 years. My experience includes participating in everything from trail clean up and signing; to equipment maintenance and trail grooming; as well as holding many different positions on our clubs executive board. I love spending the time and dedication it takes to help out our local Saskatchewan snowmobile clubs and working with the SSA board and staff members for the last 7 years to better snowmobiling in this great province.

During the warmer months, I enjoy spending time working at my acreage, boating and relaxation time at our cabin at St. Brieux.

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